Hi! I’m Kendra ☺️ I’m a wife, mama of three, and NEW owner of The Funky Buffalo. My husband’s name is Chris. We have been happily married for almost 12 years. We are high school sweethearts!! We have a 9 year old son, 7 year old daughter, and a 3 month old baby girl.
We are from Omaha, NE. We have been visiting the lake for about 15 years. Since about 2012, we have been coming nearly every weekend to the lake during the summer. Both of our parents have been fulltime lake-living for several years, so we have been praying and looking for a way to bring our family down to the lake full time as well!
It has been almost three years since Chris told me to go visit The Funky Buffalo because he knew it was totally up my alley . I am a HUGE coffee lover. My mom and I met for a cup of coffee….and it was over from there. I sent pictures and video back to Chris that day saying….”this is it” “THIS is exactly what I have been envisioning for my boutique and coffee shop!”
I have been praying and chatting with Chris for YEARS about how I wanted a coffee shop that mom’s (and dad’s!) could bring their kids to…and there was something fun for the kids to do…that didn’t involve screens….and mom (or dad or whomever!) could enjoy that hot cup of coffee and just relax. I also wanted the shop to be big enough and spread out enough that someone could be having a business meeting and the mom and kids wouldn’t feel like they were being to loud or interfering with the meeting. The Funky Buffalo was it. This was exactly what I had been dreaming of and praying for. A place where ALL is welcome and can come together.
I kept talking to Chris about how much I loved The Funky Buffalo’s setup and how I was ready for my boutique to be in a store front but that I wanted it in my coffee shop (that I didn’t have yet either, lol)! Chris would always reply with “you need to let the current owners know you are interested!” This was hard for me though. What if I was immediately rejected? What if the current owner got defensive? What if I am not capable of doing that? what if….what if…
Turns out I finally said OK that last time he told me to reach out to the current owners. This was in September 2022. I reached out to Ron and Nicole Duggan (the current owners at the time) and basically said: “I absolutely love your shop and wanted you to know that if it was ever too much or you were looking to sell, I would love at least a phone call. I was thinking this may be 5-10 years down the road. After all, we had an entire life back home in Omaha. Our 9 and 7 year old kiddos were in an amazing Christian private school , we adored our home….and we were about to welcome baby #3 in November! Nicole messaged back that same day “I can call you today”. Wow, God sure has his own timing that is for sure. To some up what happened after that phone call….: we welcomed our new baby girl Nov 7, listed our home for sale…literally the day we brought her home from hospital, purchased our new home in the Four Seasons here at the lake, celebrated birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas all at our old house in Omaha, packed up and moved to the lake beginning of January, I went to Dallas Market (like I do every January) and shopped for my boutique 3 days after moving….with my baby girl on my hip the whole time, ha! , and took full ownership of The Funky Buffalo at the end of January.
It has been a WILD ride but no doubt that God knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he planted us here, right now, at this moment at this exact time.
🤙🏻I’ve owned my boutique for about 7 years, ran it online and out of my home until now here at Funky Buffalo.
Inside the coffee shop will also house my boutique I’ve had for 7 years, as a store front✨
We have a full service coffee shop, breakfast items and even a lunch menu!!